Enhancement and Support

Nurturing Academic

Monte strives to be a place of challenge and enrichment for every student. We recognise the value of each individual and their personal and academic growth. Within the context of a Mercy education, we aim to enhance our students’ abilities so they can work towards making a difference in their chosen field of endeavour, whatever that may be.

The College utilises a multi-faceted approach which takes into consideration the student’s particular area or areas of giftedness and provides a diverse range of opportunities and experiences which allow her to develop it into talent. We nurture intellectual engagement through an integrated curriculum where high expectations and student support are central. Academic Engagement, Learning Enhancement and Learning Support staff provide assistance for students with diverse learning needs. An emphasis on quality differentiation within the classroom is provided to ensure that students are challenged in their learning and supported where needed.

The team consists of dedicated staff who work with teachers to plan and implement a differentiated curriculum, whilst working with the students and families to maximise academic success.

Where students require further adjustments, our Learning Services team’s response ranges from implementing evidence-based small group intervention programs to personal learning plans to meet students’ individual abilities and needs. Learning Support teachers work with students within and outside the classroom as needed.

In addition, our compassionate Support Services ensures our students’ social and emotional needs are met, strengthening their capacity for resilience and supporting positive wellbeing outcomes.

Monte - Nurturing engagement
Learning Enhancement

Tailored learning
and development

Learning Enhancement

The Learning Enhancement Program provides enrichment and extension opportunities in Mathematics, English and Music. Students can also take part in challenge, specialist and/or enriching co-curricular activities such as:

  • Future Problem Solvers
  • Tournament of the Minds
  • Da Vinci Decathlon
  • Philosophy Club
  • Monte Minds
  • Writers’ Ink
  • Art After Hours
  • Chess Club
Learning Support

Widening understanding
and problem-solving

Learning Support

The Learning Support team provides specialised intervention programs and coordination of:

  • Literacy and numeracy support classes, groups and interventions.
  • Working memory interventions.
  • Study skills workshops.
  • Organisation and time management skills development.
  • The ‘Learning Hub’.
  • Disability provisions for in-class assessment tasks and examinations.