Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College awards a Scholarship for entry at Year 7. The scholarship covers tuition fees for Years 7 to 12.
Applications are open to all students due to start Year 7 in the relevant year group.
- The College participates in the ACER Cooperative Scholarship Testing Program (CSTP).
- Scholarships are awarded on academic merit and an interview with the Scholarship Committee.
- Candidates must sit the ACER examination which takes place in February each year.
- Applicants do not need to have applied to enrol at the College prior to testing.
To apply for the 2026 Year 7 Scholarship:
Step 1: Register with ACER for the Cooperative Testing Program
CLICK HERE to register for the ACER Cooperative Testing Program
- The cost to register is $165
- Registration closes Sunday 2 February 2025
Step 2 Complete the Step 2 Application Form below and return a hard copy via mail to the College by 3 February 2025
CLICK HERE to download the Step 2 Application Form
For more information, please contact the Registrar –
The 2025 Senior School Scholarship is now CLOSED.
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College awards a Scholarship for entry at Year 10 or Year 11 for students not currently enrolled at the College. The scholarship covers tuition fees for Years 10 and/or 11 and 12.
In Years 11 and 12, students can undertake study for either the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB Diploma). The College has a strong academic record in both the HSC and IB Diploma courses of study. Visit our academic results page.
Click here to download the application form
For more information, please contact the College Registrar.
Current students only
The Blue & Blue Scholarship is awarded to a current Monte student completing Year 10, for study in Years 11 and 12 at the College. The award provides for a half scholarship in Years 11 and 12.
The Scholarship is based on the following criteria:
- Academic achievement as evidenced by consistently strong performance in school subjects in Years 7 to 10.
- A high level of participation across a range of co-curricular activities in Years 7 to 10.
- Contribution to the life of the College through the involvement in Years 7 to 10 in liturgical activities, social justice activities and service activities.
Scholarships at Monte
Monte provides a range of scholarship opportunities to students who exhibit exceptional academic performance, actively engage in co-curricular activities, and/or embody the College’s values and philosophy.
helping with access to quality education
Bursaries at Monte
2025 Bursaries – Applications now CLOSED.
The Board of Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College has an established policy for the awarding of Bursaries. The College Foundation builds and provides financial resources for the ongoing funding of Bursaries.
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College (the College), as a Catholic school, has a mission to be an active and witnessing Christian community based on the Gospels. Catholic schools in Australia have a tradition of being available to all students, regardless of background or income. Monte Sant’ Angelo’s contribution to this tradition has also been shaped by the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, Catherine McAuley, who established schools as a way of providing young women with an open opportunity for education.
The College recognises that it needs to ensure that financial circumstances do not prevent young women from accessing, or continuing, a Mercy education at Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College.
The principle criterion for the provision of financial assistance from the Bursaries Fund is a demonstrable, means-tested inability to afford a Monte Sant’ Angelo education.
A recipient of a Bursary must be eligible for enrolment or continuing enrolment at the College; by virtue of an appropriate academic standard and commitment to Mercy values.
Assistance from the Bursary Fund will be provided to students and families who, in the view of the Principal, will be, or are, active participants in the College community.
Bursaries are established to assist access to enrolment for young women whose family’s financial circumstances may prevent enrolment at the College.
Bursaries are available to current students, incoming Year 7 students commencing in 2023 and to external applicants whose family’s financial circumstances may change such as to prevent their initial or continuing enrolment at the College.
Bursaries will be awarded to young women who demonstrate a commitment to a holistic education and Mercy values. This commitment may be demonstrated by the involvement of the student and/or the family of the student in the educational, co-curricular and community activities of their current school, parish and/or broader community organisations.
Bursaries will only be awarded via application. The required financial information will need to be included for an application to be considered.
Bursaries will be awarded for one or more years. Bursaries awarded for longer than one year will be subject to annual review.
Bursaries will be awarded by the Principal.
The obligation of strict confidentiality is incumbent upon the Principal and the recipient family/families. The identity of a Bursary recipient MAY be identified to the College Board by the Principal where requested by the Board.
The Principal will consider all applications for Bursaries.
Bursaries are awarded for 20% up to 100% remission of tuition fees for any one academic year.
Bursaries may be awarded for one or more years with recipients to be advised that the continuation of support will be provided subject to an annual review.
The Principal will notify the recipients of a Bursary, including the obligations of confidentiality and the process of an annual review.
Each Bursary will be reviewed annually by the Principal with the review covering the ongoing financial circumstances of the Bursary recipient’s family as well as the recipient’s commitment to a holistic education and Mercy values.
To facilitate the review process, each recipient family will be required to provide updated financial documentation and evidence of the recipient’s continued commitment to a holistic education and Mercy values.
The Principal can decide to discontinue, reduce or extend the Bursary provision.