
The College has built a strong relationship with the community in Maliana, having first visited the remote area in 2014.

Advocating for change and empowerment

The fundamental reason for our ongoing support in Timor-Leste is to continue the work of the Sisters of Mercy by affording the opportunity of a quality education to all young women at the Colégio Infante de Sagre School in Maliana.

As well as an annual immersion visiting Timor-Leste and the Maliana community, the students fundraise and advocate for change and empowerment for the young women at Colégio Infante de Sagre. Our Food for Thought fundraising program is heavily supported by students and staff and provides funds for the nutrition and education of young women in Timor-Leste.


Global Citizenship Immersion

The College participates in visits to Cambodia to develop cultural understanding.

Cambodia Mercy Immersion

The College participates in visits to Cambodia to develop cultural understanding and global awareness.

The purpose of the immersion is to foster student awareness and commitment to the impact of women and men of Mercy in achieving peace and improving quality of life, while exploring
ongoing global ekorts to address inequality, particularly for women, children, and people with disabilities. Students will also gain an understanding of the role of active citizens in leading and supporting this vital work.

This unique opportunity allows Year 9 students to discover the culture of Cambodia, build and enhance relationships, step beyond their comfort zones, develop their independence,
and put their Mercy values into action.

Monte - Cultural Immersions

Central Desert Program

Each year a group of Monte students and staff visit the community at Mutitjulu, home to the Anangu people.

A true cross-cultural experience

The aim of the program is for students to experience a cultural exchange through hands-on activities and guidance by Anangu, maintaining a mutual relationship for our communities to learn and grow. The group undertakes extensive training before departure, including meetings, workshops and learning some of the local language.