Senior School

Care and Wellbeing

The concept of a Senior School recognises the unique needs and development of students aged 15 to 18 years old. Research identifies that young people in distinctive stages of adolescence have different learning, pastoral and social needs that should be recognised in the ways schools are structured, and how students are organised and engage with learning.

Monte provides individualised guidance to students in selecting appropriate programs, subjects, and levels that cater to their interests, abilities, and future plans. In the Senior School, the focus is on empowering young women and preparing them for adulthood through a well-rounded education that includes academic and pastoral programs, flexible learning arrangements, and opportunities outside the College. An academic ethos is emphasised, and every student is tracked and supported by relevant staff including:

  • Director of Senior School
  • Tutors
  • Heads of Year
  • School Counsellor
  • Academic Support Teacher
  • Careers Advisor
  • Health Centre Nurse

The College aims to offer a differentiated and supportive learning environment that enables all students to reach their full potential.

Holistic personal development

Year 10

The Year 10 Pastoral Program plans for each student to grow, mature and develop spiritually, academically, physically, emotionally and socially.

Monte Year 10 - Pastoral Program

As their first year of Senior School, the program addresses the management of stress, building healthy relationships, achieving personal bests and personal safety. Understanding that at this time in their development, students identify strongly with their peers, older students and friends, incursions are delivered by young adults with powerful stories and key strategies to share.

The Year 10 Reflection Day and Spirit Mass are opportunities for the girls to reflect on how they receive and give the Gifts of the Spirit in their day-to-day lives. The College and Community Service program provides ongoing opportunities for all students to give of these gifts and integrate the Mercy values into their daily lives.

Throughout the year, there is an increased focus on students’ academic growth in terms of planning and studying for regular assessments, academic honesty, and the Personal Project, which gives each girl a chance to complete a significant piece of work derived from their own initiative and creativity. A sequence of career activities in the first semester prepares the students to make informed decisions in their subject selections for their final years of schooling. Work experience and careers interviews in Term 4 give the girls a taste of employment and the requirements and expectations of employers.

Guiding personal growth

Year 11

The Year 11 program is underpinned by our Mercy values, focussing specifically on addressing the needs of the senior students in their final years of schooling. Key aspects of the program include:

  • Fortnightly student-led worship in the College Chapel and participation in College liturgies.
  • Time management and study skills sessions establishing a balanced approach to senior study.
  • Workshops and guest speakers in areas such as building resilience, positive psychology and keeping safe.
  • Developing and fostering leadership skills through the co-ordination of House Play performances.
  • Participation in a leadership program and the opportunity to apply for a diverse range of leadership positions.
  • The Year 11 Retreat program.

Each student is required to develop their own program of Community Service. For HSC students this is the Community and Service program (C&S) and for IB Diploma students it is the Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Program.

The Year 11 Pastoral Program supports the academic, social, emotional and spiritual growth of the young women in our care.

Preparing for independent life after school

Year 12

The primary aim of the Year 12 Pastoral Care Program is to support our students through their final year of schooling.

Monte Year 12 Pastoral Program

The Year 12 Program aims to develop within each student a strong sense of her potential in the transition from school to the post-school environment. These aims are supported by specific activities, which include:

  • Motivation and study skills
  • Exploring contemporary social issues
  • Transition to tertiary study
  • Cadetship and Scholarship advice
  • Information on University Open Days and TAFE
  • Forums with Monte Alumni

Year 12 students also enjoy specific privileges in their senior year. These include:

  • Mercy House – the senior study centre
  • Open Campus
  • Seminar Program